Many of you who have regularly read this blog probably noticed I wasn't tending it much last year- This was due to having an ongoing infection of a root canal that was misdiagnosed as a serious sinus infection at an ER. The infection flared up 4 or 5 times starting in 2018 and continuing thru summer of last year,when it was finally diagnosed properly and taken care of. In 2019 I also dealt with two serious falls. The first one I did a hairline fracture to my pelvis and broke my left shoulder blade,and after recovering from that I fell again in Mid November and cracked my kneecap. I also found I have a diagnosis of arthritis in my left hip area....which was a relief. I mean that as in the hip has really hindered my walking since about 2016 and I couldn't find out why. I'm using Edgar Cayce's remedies for this as well as grounding and Catherine Ponder's methods of healing.
Currently,I'm teaching ukulele and guitar. I'm hoping to start teaching tenor banjo in a couple of months. And I plan to get back to my regular posting here. Looking very forward to good things this year!