There are ways of getting out without leaving,however,and creating a new sense of community at the same time. This was experienced by a close friend of mine. She walks her dog at least twice a day,and since the cocooning started,she was amazed to discover that there's a lot of musicians in her neighborhood. She never knew this before, Before long,one musician asked if they could jam with another,(maintaining the 6ft rule) and porch concerts have been birthed. New friendships forged,and free entertainment for the other neighbors who bring chairs out on thelawns to watch.
I've noticed over the decades that neighborly relationships have changed a lot. In my early teens folks actually knew their neighbors names,birthdays,and their interests. My parents and I often attended birthday parties and shared in 4th of July celebrations with our neighbors.
In the present time,I know 1 family very well,the other I only know the names of the parents and one of their children. That's it. Every other family near my house are isolationists.
If you're blessed with a porch,why not sit out there with your uke and play? Two things can happen: you'll entertain the neighboring homes,and you could wind up discovering you're surrounded by other musicians you never knew about before. And you could make some amazing new connections!