What a treat this is! Once I was enrolled,I was invited to the private group on Facebook,which I joined. This group is the most uplifting and supportive groups one could belong to. Everyone supports one another,we talk about our gear and frequently share photos- all members have a case of GAS (including me!) and we're all sharing photos of our instruments,videos of ourselves playing the song we're working on,(including the "song of the week" chosen by the members!)
So,you're asking,what does this have to do with ukulele?
Fender will be launching video classes for ukulele soon,I believe at the same affordable rate as the guitar one. I can't begin to tell you of the convenience of learning this way- you submit a video of your playing something,and not only do you get support from the members,but helpful coaching from the admins (many of whom are the teachers that do the class videos) who are always supportive and friendly. Speaking from the student perspective, I don't have to worry about being on time for a lesson,(unless I want to show up for the live lesson/show on wed at 5PM PST which lasts 30 min,I think) no feeling awkward playing for everyone on the spot.(the magic of video- I can redo till I have a take I feel cozy with)
I'll probably be joining the uke classes as well. Despite having a ukulele blog,I don't consider myself to be an over the top ukeist,and the lessons will help polish my uke playing skills. (to be honest,I've been playing more charango and guitalele than ukulele these days) For more info,check out Fender or follow them on Twitter @Fender.
And knowing me,I'll buy a Fender uke,too!