The tags were for Donner bass uke. Obviously someone just stuck tags on it to make it look more new,I guess. The real surprise was this wasn't a concert size at all. It's a tenor. Amazing what deals you can get when a seller doesn't do their research! Anyway,all it needed was 2 batteries and the built in tuner & electronics work great.
The body and neck are mahogany,and I haven't a clue as to what wood the fingerboard is made with. However the glow of the mahogany is simply beautiful. The sound hole decor looks to be a decal.
I never heard of Donner before,and it made me think of Santa's reindeer. I must say the quality of this uke is surprisingly good. Action is wonderful,intonation is spot on,and one of the cooler things is the see thru closed tuners shown below:
Another plus I wish more uke companies did is there are 2 strap pins- one on the heel of the neck,and the other at the bottom of the body. This makes it possible to use mandolin or guitar straps. The model of this particular uke is the DUT-4E. Do check one out if you get a chance!